Brief History of AMCA

Fifty-four years ago, AMCA began its mission to support young missionaries in North America, guided by the Latin American Mission (LAM). In 1970, John and Leah Huffman established what is now known as the International Youth Group (IYG), creating a space for Bible studies and Christian fellowship in English.

Our ministry flourished at La Casona, a center in San José that hosted youth group activities, provided lodging, and served as AMCA’s headquarters. La Casona was pivotal in nurturing various ministries. In the late 1970s, we expanded our reach by acquiring property in San Gerardo de Dota, which became Camp Savegre and later was renamed La Cumbre.

In 2001, AMCA transitioned from La Casona to a new location in San Francisco de Dos Río. In 2002, we inaugurated the AMCA House, offering hospitality and lodging for mission teams visiting Costa Rica.

Operating as a non-profit association in Costa Rica, AMCA is governed by a board of directors elected by its members.

Our current ministries include:

— International Youth Group

— Campamento La Cumbre

— AMCA House for visiting missionary groups

— Women’s Bible Studies

We Believe…

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…the Bible in its totality to be the divinely inspired and authoritative Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

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…in one God, creator and sustainer of the universe, Who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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…in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, redemptive death, bodily resurrection, present exaltation at God’s right hand and His personal return.

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…that all men have sinned and therefore are guilty before God and are under His condemnation.

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…that through the death of His Son Jesus Christ, God in love provided an atonement for sin so that, through repentance and saving faith in Christ, man is delivered from the judgment of God and born again into life eternal.
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…in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit Who works in men to bring them to salvation through Christ and Who dwells in believers, equipping and empowering them for a life of holiness and fruitful service.

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…that the Church is comprised of all true believers and that the mission of the Church, with Christ as its head, is to communicate the Gospel of Christ to all the world.

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…in the resurrection of the body, the everlasting punishment of unbelievers and the everlasting blessedness of believers in the presence of Christ.


Our main offices are located at the AMCA House

The AMCA House is situated in San Francisco de Dos Ríos, a charming suburb of San José. It is approximately ½ km southeast of the I Griega rotunda. If you’re coming from the I Griega rotunda, turn right at the Delta gas station (on your right, in front of the Banco de Costa Rica). Continue south for about ¾ of a block, and you will find the AMCA House as the third house before the corner. It is a yellow, two-story home with the letters “AMCA” displayed on the front wall. The house has a black gate in front of an enclosed garage and a small, enclosed front yard.

For your convenience, you can also view a map at the following link: Map.

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